Safety & Security Films
With Safety and Security Protection Films your windows can be transformed from your weakest link to a source of strength, helping to protect your home and your family from threats such as break-ins and impact events like earthquakes. Safety and Security Window Films are designed to help hold glass fragments together in case of breakage, reducing potential injury from flying glass, while deterring even the most motivated thieves.
What Are The Benefits?
Increased Comfort & Safety, Reduced Costs & Glare.
1. Severe Weather
Security films help to reduce damage and the likelihood of injury from flying glass in the case of severe weather, impacts, or violence. While you can’t always predict disaster, you can prepare for it if you plan ahead. British Columbia has the highest earthquake risk in Canada. In fact, several thousand small earthquakes are recorded in B.C. every year. A much smaller number are big enough to be felt and over the last 10 years there has been an average of one larger earthquake of at least magnitude 6 per year. This is something we must prepare for.
2. Forced Entry
Security films are designed to offer maximum resistance to penetration and tearing, effectively deterring break and enter. By upgrading your windows, you will rob would-be thieves of their two desired essentials: time and stealth. Thieves plan on being in and out of your business in a matter of minutes. If a window isn’t broken after 3 or 4 tries, the amount of noise they have made will be alerting the whole neighbourhood, and the extra time it takes them is usually enough to force them into early retreat. Make it too noisy and time consuming to gain entry, and even the most determined burglar will be deterred.
*Stats Canada cites 159,338 break and enter crimes in Canada according to their most recent data.
3. Vandalism
When vandals strike, the transparent film is peeled away –along with the graffiti – saving time & money. Window films are easily removed when needed, and applying new films is much cheaper than entirely new windows. If you are in an area that is prone to vanadlism, perhaps downtown or on a poorly lit side street, we might suggest you choose a specific anti-graffiti film. They are even cheaper to install and replace as needed. You can see a full write-up on them right here.
Check out our security films to learn more about your options. If you are an individual customer, we can help you find a local dealer that carries the products you are looking for. For dealers, we would love to give you information on the full Tekton Performance Films lineup.
Edge Security Films
Protect Your People and Property From Disaster
Edge Security Film: Clear safety and security films are available for commercial and home use to help protect your employees, family, and belongings from natural or man made disaster. Make use of the national account assistance program as well as safety and security training to make the most of your security plan. You will enjoy protection against debris in natural and man-made disasters while securing the safety of your people and the protection of your property.
With Safety and Security Protection Films your windows can be transformed from your weakest link to a source of strength, helping to protect your business and your employees from threats such as break-ins and impact events like earthquakes. Safety and Security Window Films are designed to help hold glass fragments together in case of breakage, reducing potential injury from flying glass, while deterring even the most motivated thieves.
Technical Specifications
Key Performance Indicators
Security films can be almost completely clear and invisible, or can be dark enough to increase privacy and ward off would be burglars. Below you will find the various shades along with their puncture and tensile strength. There is a perfect window film for any use case.